Example of Days at The Bootcamp

Day 1 Monday
Arrive to camp between 11 am and 12 noon
Introduction and tour of house etc
1pm Protein shake
2pm – 3pm Fitness test / weigh in / measurements
4pm – 3.2km walk
5pm – Protein shake 

Day 2 Tuesday
7am – 30 min stretching session in gym
7.40am breakfast
9am - 30 min gym session
10am – 20 AMRAP (results noted and will do again week later)
11.15am – 30 min circuit class
12-noon lunch
1.30pm 90 session focusing on form and technique
3.45pm 5km walk/hike
5pm Dinner

Day 3 Wednesday
6.30am 30 min gym session focusing on legs
7.30am breakfast
9am 45 min boxercise
10.30 20 min EMOM session
11.15am 45 min body sculpturing class
12.15pm Lunch
1.45pm 45 min Spinning class
2.45pm 30 min strength class
4pm 5km walk/hike
5.30pm Dinner